Our Free Parenting Gift to You

Enjoy this collection of resources from Transform Parenting, for those new to parenthood.


 Parenting information and advice is everywhere, and can leave you feeling overwhelmed and like you aren't doing a good job. We understand this challenge and so we distil the best and most life-changing concepts into bite sized and easily accessible pieces.

Transform Parenting has you covered from pregnancy through to the first seven years. We do this through:

  • Education
  • Support
  • Community

We thought you might appreciate a little taste of our Transform Parenting Village Membership so we have shared some Village resources in this gift. Enjoy!

Talking with Toddlers & Persuading Preschoolers

- FREE Masterclass -

Have a look at one of our masterclasses that look at some great concepts that will help you to understand your children and improve your interactions with them.


 Protecting Significant Relationships

When your relationships are struggling, life gets hard. In this session we discuss some little tools to protect your relationships.


Read one of our most popular blogs 

The Issue of Sleep

"I was living in a block of units, with my new baby. He was a cat napper, waking after only 30 minutes of sleeping. He seemed to be sensitive to sound and so I did my best to make everything quiet, even though I had been told to get my baby used to noise while sleeping..."

Read Blog

Setting 'Loving Limits' with Joss Goulden, one of our coaches in the Village.


The Village

In the Village we have a WhatsApp group where we post the audio recording of our weekly live coaching. We also invite questions every week, so we can be responsive to your needs, and encourage each other. See what happens there;

Join the Village

We send you many blessings on your parenting journey and would love to have you join our community.

- Tracey

What our Villagers have to say..

"Thank you Tracey and Joss! I've been a bit in the trenches the past few days managing sick kids and other things. Putting my headphones in today for that session was so worth it! I just listen to one of Joss' episodes fro her Aware Parenting podcasts too. I feel like my cup has been filled, have had a few 'ah ha' moments and feel a little lighter. This Village is really powerful 🙏"

- Emily McKinney (Village member)

About the Founder

Tracey Anderson Askew has been a teacher, childbirth and parenting educator for 30 years. She has helped thousands of people through the transition into parenting and recognises how crucial these early years are for you and your child.